1: How long does it take to receive my order ?
  • Orders generally take (up to 48hrs) to complete before being sent out either via Royal Mail 1st class (1-2 days) or Royal Mail  (2-3 days) which ever you selected at checkout.
  • During busy periods like the run up to Christmas items could take as long as 4 weeks to be received so please make sure you order your items well in advance.

2: How long do wax melts last for?

  • This depends on the amount of time you melt for! (For Example) if you only have your warmer on until the scent has filled the room then turn it off your wax melts will last longer than leaving them on this also depends on the amount of scented wax you add to your burner. 

3: Is it safe to leave wax warmer on all the time?

  • Do not burn the tea-light or leave the wax melt burner on or near anything that can catch fire.
  • Although fire danger from an open flame is limited, you have good reason NOT to leave a candle warmer unattended or burning for extended amounts of time. These include a flame from a tea-light (in warmer), overheating or with Electric warmers you have the risk of electrical wire damage, trip hazard from the chord.
4: Are wax melts better than candles?
  • Wax melts are more solidly aromatic than traditional candles, because they absorb heat more slowly and release aromas without burning the oils. ... The opposite happens when you burn a candle, as the heat from the flame keeps the wax at a higher temperature, causing a faster release of fragrance into the air.
5: How do you store wax melts?
  • To ensure that you get the most out of your wax melts and their shelf life, make sure you store your wax melts in a cool, dark place. We find that storing your wax melts under the sink or in a drawer most convenient to your warmer makes sense.

6: Can wax melts explode?

  •  When water comes into contact with wax that is melted at high temperatures, there is a reaction that causes the candle wax to splatter uncontrollably, make sure wax warmers are dry before use.
Based on 2 reviews
Raspberry Blue
Stephanie Soley
Stunning 😍

First and most importantly.... My house smells amazing! I shall be back to order again soon, Raspberry blue is my second favorite scent, I have one cube left lol. Promt delivery and top customer service. You won't be disappointed xx